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About Me

Seek Your Experience is about encouraging college students and young adults to live their lives their own way through new experiences. It is important to take a day or even a few hours regarless of how busy our lives are to just live in the moment and find something new. I also aim to provide information from my experiences going through adulthood and the challenges I've faced.

Real responsibilities were something I never had until I moved out of my parents' house for the first time at the age of 20. I had never paid bills, take care of my own space, or cook before. It was a completely new world to me and I struggled through the best and worst few years of my life. I am trying to help those that are in the same position I was and still am.


Currently, I do live alone in my own apartment and pay all the bills myself. Aside from school, I work full-time as a manager at a retail store. You will usually not be able to find me anywhere else besides school or work. This year I am making sure to get out more an experience the world because waiting until I am successful and have money to do it might take my whole life.


We are all living our own journey and this is part of mine. If anyone has any suggestions on what you want to see me write about or where I should go next in the NYC area, leave them in the comments on my posts or DM me on Instagram @seekyourexperience. Do't forget to also follow me on pinterest @jamiesonmonty.

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